Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Negative Effects of Child Beauty Pageants free essay sample
Beauty pageants have been around in America for decades; however, they have not gained notoriety until the show Toddlers and Tiaras aired on national television. The airing of Toddlers and Tiaras has brought child pageants to the attention of many Americans. Not many people were aware of what took place in beauty pageants, but ever since the show debuted in 2009 there has been an intense controversy about children as young as newborns being entered into pageants. Some people say that pageants raise self-esteem and teach responsibility, whereas others say that pageants are necessary and children should take advantage of their youth. Although pageants teach etiquette and communication skills, ultimately they carry a vastly high risk of potentially damaging the psychological and physical health of the participating children, as well as their development of strong morals. A child that participates in pageants is at risk for developing mental disorders for several reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on The Negative Effects of Child Beauty Pageants or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The children are constantly being compared to each other and given negative criticism. A child, especially a female that is going to pay so much attention to her looks and that knows she is being assessed for it, is very prone to develop eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia (Grosaru). Eating disorders start mentally, but once the victim loses control of their thoughts, it is highly likely that it will develop into a physical illness. They are competing solely based on physical beauty; therefore, they are likely to feel inferior about their appearances, which leads to misconceptions about themselves. Beauty pageants unknowingly expose the misconception that to be perfect one must be slim, tan, poised, and facially gifted. When a child steps on the stage to perform in front of the judges, they sense that they must be perfect in order to win, and this perfection is based on a fake and impossible standard to reach. Losing a beauty contest can make a child feel inferior because they lose for things outside of their control, like facial beauty or skin tone. Low self-esteem leads to numerous psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety (Tighe). Depression and anxiety can be fatal if not treated properly at a reasonable time. These children are constantly castigated by the people in their environment causing them to develop self-deceptions that can provoke more serious illnesses. Participation in a beauty pageant requires many sacrifices that endanger the bodily health of the contestant. Through societys eyes, being tan makes a person attractive. Parents take their children to get spray tans before pageants to make them look more appealing. Spray tans are not likely to risk skin cancer because the external layer of skin on our body is dead cells, which give no damage to the skin. Nevertheless, when the child is being spray tanned she is breathing in dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a potential carcinogen because it damages DNA (our genetic code) and causes mutations (Ginsberg). Chemicals such as DHA, are extremely toxic when breathed by children whose lungs have not fully developed. Spray tanning children appear to be harmless as well as advantageous to their success in pageants; however, the deceptive truth is that the chemicals contribute damage to the body in a discreet way. Another major factor that causes a threat to the childrens body is their lack of sleep throughout the pageant, as well as the preparation need for a pageant. Child beauty pageants are time consuming and exhausting; therefore, the children are deprived of sufficient sleep. Cartwright, a registered dietitian and adjunct professor in the University of Arizonas department of nutritional sciences (Blue), attended a child beauty competition with kids as young as 4 months to as old as 15 years old. She witnessed a mass display of emotion along with parents forbidding their kids to rest or take breaks concerned that napping would mess up their childs image (Blue). In the study, the research team from the Bambino Gesu Childrens Hospital in Rome, Italy, found that children with GHD (Growth Hormone Deficiency) got substantially less sleep and lower quality sleep than their normally growing peers. GHD impairs a childs immune system, making the child more vulnerable to illness, as well as weakens the strength of the childs heart and lungs. Children that are deprived of enough sleep are more likely to have stunted growth than children that get enough sleep. Watching their children slowly lose energy due to no rest, parents feed them excessive amounts of sugar and caffeinated drinks to keep them vivacious throughout the whole pageant. Frequent consumption of such components in children puts their health at risk. Caffeine causes a childs body to excrete nutrients such as caffeine and magnesium in their urine. When this happens too often, a childs body does not have the nutrients it needs to produce strong bones (Wonderly). When children consume caffeine, it contributes to the lack of nutrients to develop a strong body structure. Parents who feed their pageant child pure sugar and energy drinks ignore the future consequences of their childs health, and only focus on the situation at hand. Pixie Sticks and energy boosting drinks such as Mountain Dew or Red Bull, are commonly used pageant drugs to aid children to stay energetic and alert. These, among many others, indicate the clear deleterious effects engendered by the parents of beauty pageant children; this proverbial dark side of child beauty pageants cause critics to question whether any prospective gains are worth the tremendous cost to the child. Figure 1: Child Beauty Pageants Controversy On an online survey, the question Do you think the values that child beauty pageants are beneficial or harmful to the participant? was asked. Out of 15 people, 2 said that pageants are beneficial and 13 said they were harmful. Lee, Ahram. Child Beauty Pageant Controversy. Survey. www. facebook. com. Publisher, 6 Mar. 2013. Web. 8 Mar. 2013 Children who frequently participate in pageants involuntarily develop different values of the way of life due to their surroundings. In figure 1, the number of people who said that beauty pageants teach harmful values outweighed the number of people who said that beauty pageants teach beneficial values. The looking-glass self is a collaborative process that says that people unfold images of themselves based on what they think others view them as. Individuals opinions of themselves consistently change as their perceptions of how others view them shift (Thomas). According to the looking-glass self, if a child beauty pageant contestant is constantly told to that she is perfect, beautiful, and the best, eventually she will result in thinking that she is perfect, beautiful and the best. Those kinds of children will become more demanding and disrespectful because they create their own sense of superiority above others. Toddlers and Tiaras star Eden Wood, age 6, threw a tantrum at the Allure Fashion Week Lounge in New York when she could not get her teeth whitened, the New York Post reported Thursday (Toddlers and Tiaras). It is not ethical for six-year old toddlers to be asking to get their teeth whitened. Eden is a very well-known and adored pageant star, consequently she takes advantage of her place in the pageant world by demanding things not suitable for her age and throwing fits when she does not get what she desires. Children that are always being uplifted and admired become full of themselves and disregard any respect that should be given to others. Eden Wood, age 7, referred directly to a grown woman as gurl and interrogated Wendy Williams about her wig and if it was superficial or not (Gorgan). As childrens experience in the pageant world expands, they develop greater risks for learning inappropriate and unethical morals which will create problems when they have to interact and compromise with different people who possess different values. Teaching children how to expose themselves at a high maturity level, beauty pageants exploit a large amount of sexuality to their child participants. In the situation that a child with a more revealing outfit, than the other children have, wins the Ultimate Grand Supreme title, immediately the rest of the children will start to question why they didnt win the title. Once the kids realize that the more sexual appeal they give to the judges, the more they have a chance of winning, some will make an effort to imitate the gestures, facial expressions and tricks that they have been shown (Kaeser). The children begin to process that to be successful in anything, one must reveal herself in a superficial and sexual way; they become narrow minded and grow up into adolescence falsely thinking that there is only one important thing in this world: physical attractiveness. Some have said that beauty contests are good for children because they boost confidence, teach how to present themself and interact with different people, but as demonstrated in this paper, the risks are simply too high and outweigh those benefits. Child participation in beauty pageants is morally wrong because it twists the childrens malleable minds into troublesome issues that have the potential to endanger the safety of them and their family. Pageants promote unethical behavior that leads to unintentional psychological and corporeal defects that may be imperishable.
Monday, November 25, 2019
If Only She Had Listen to Me- Short Story Essays
If Only She Had Listen to Me- Short Story Essays If Only She Had Listen to Me- Short Story Essay If Only She Had Listen to Me- Short Story Essay Friendship is a feeling of love of one person for another. Its not necessary to choose whom to be your friend,your best friend. The friendship between one person and another are always in different ways. The feelings, the sentiments are not similar.. I knew her since kindergarten. Her name is Kristen, she came from a rich family. She can easily have whatever she wants because she was the only child in her family. Her father is a successful business man. And her mother was a great spender. And Im her best friend. She used to be a stubborn one and never listen to others. She always think that she is the perfect one and she was right. She would never listen to the advice. She is so herself. Because of her behavior , she seemed to be so lonely among friends. I bet nobody likes her in school , especially the discipline teacher. People were wondering how i could stand her behavior and still so good to her. What did she meant to me? Friend. I treat her as my best friend, because I knew that her attitude is different from her personalities. I knew that She has everything exept love. Kristen always turn up to amusement park instead of tuition class. he was lost in a materialistic life. Then she met a guy. She fell in love with a jobless guy. In my mind, true friend should involve in inspiring their friends to walk on the right path, no ridiculous mistakes. Ive begging her not to simply fall I love with pleasure seeking guys. And Im extraordinary sured that she was stepping on the thinnest ice. Which could ruin her in anytime. I told her to promise me that s he would not do the wrong things, also respect her mother. i promised, i will. she had said. Of course, she wont. She started to absent for school. I were in her house on the day that her mum found out she played truant . Her mum loose control, then they scream and shout to each other after starting a conversation. The relationship between she and mother was very bad. No discussion between them but only quarreling all the time. Ive been trying so hard to persuade her to be a obedient daughter , respect her mother. But she would never listen. Time after time she was trying to leave her house. I used to visit her so often , because I knew what she really lacked of. She was loosing her weight day after day. Get thin and thinner . I wondered why she dont satisfied of her body size. Until one Saturday night ! She hug and cried on my shoulder and babbling on everythings. That was the first time she did this to me since we met. I thought she was strong , but she wasnt . She felt she gain no love  but relatives and friends that looked down on her and parents that shouted to her oftentimes. The next morning, i had a sudden phone call from her mother, saying that she was missing. We tried so hard to find her on every single day. About one year later, Kristen returned in a thin, sick physical conditions. The scene in my mind is still so clear . Kristen was squatting on the floor in the kitchen,with hands on head. Her skin and lips were dry and her unfocused eyes filled with tears. She never stop snivel , and her nose was dripping like a water tap. I guessed I knew what had happened to her. My heart was suffocating , her mum cried on her : Kris ! I told you to behave ! And you! Why? Why did you do this ? and I added , I know you doesnt intend to become a drug addict . Kristen , come back back please. We will help you and your father is on the way home to help you ! We will be with you.  Kristen spoke with a smile of despair thank you ,my friend ,for everything. But , but its too late , Im pregnant . she picked a knife from behind and stabbed herself on the stomach and blood ame out and she fell , faced Dow the floor. My heart stop beating for a few seconds and I heard she whispered . Im sorry , mother . she close her eyes , blood dripping from her lifeless body . Death is simple , easy . Life is harder. What im thinking is, This incident wont go so bad if only she had listen to me.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Marketing of The North Face Case Study
Strategic Marketing of The North Face - Case Study Example The company obtains a competitive position of the market and a strong band image. Its innovations and product development strategies support its further growth and open new market opportunities. When product life cycles are short (or consumers demands are changed) technological improvement becomes an essential requirement of company strategy. The aim of strategic marketing is to meet the needs and expectations of customers, and the organization's ability and capacity to satisfy them. For this matching process to take place successfully, a company must understand who is the customer and what value is required, and how best to deliver this value on a sustainable basis in line with the organization's overall corporate objectives. The North Face is one of the companies which develops unique strategies and marketing approach in order to compete on the market and increase sales. The North Face is a specialty retailer which 'designed, manufactured and sold high quality outdoor equipment and clothing" (Mezzatesta and Cook 743). The mission of the North Face is to reach wider target market and expend its activities to new markets. The strategic aim is a continuous growth and expansion into new products. High quality is used as a strategic weapon and the aim of The North Face is to maintain high quality standards at costs lower than competitors. The current objective of the company is to find the best way to distribute the new skiwear line. Also, the objective is to remain a market leader and strengthen its dealer structure around the world. 3.2. External Environment The North Face operates on the dynamic market where the main objective is to maintain successful marketing communication strategies, implement high product quality and develop strategies to improve customer relations and manufacturing. The purpose of the North Face is to get and keep a customer proposing high quality innovative products. Political-legal forces acting upon the North Face allocate power and provide constraining and protecting laws and regulations. The company does not influenced greatly by political and legal changes. In spite of the fact that the North Face is a US-based company, it is affected by international trade regulations and laws. Environmental changes suggest that the opening up of the market and the resultant increased competition has widened the perspective of the planning framework with profound implications. Thus, the main threat for the North Face is that its competitors begin to copy its products. The social environment includes general forces that do n ot directly touch on the short. Economic forces regulate the exchange of materials, money, energy, and information. This environment proposes great challenges for the North Fac
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
E.H. Carr and Historical Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
E.H. Carr and Historical Thought - Essay Example Though to properly assess the academic value and relevance of his claim, it is first necessary to analyze the broader intellectual context to which Carr sought to make a contribution. As such, it will be necessary to briefly address the very same question he himself posed, for the pragmatic purpose of assessing the accuracy of his claims. The American historian and political philosopher Allan Bloom, in his cultural jeremiad on the state of university education in the closing decades of the twentieth century, lamented what he saw as the contemptuous antagonism felt for one another by the aforementioned three main divisions of modern academia. According to Bloom: While both social science and humanities are more or less willingly awed by natural science, they have mutual contempt for one another, the former looking down on the latter as unscientific, the latter regarding the former as a philistine. They do not cooperate. And most important, they occupy much of the same ground. Many of the classic books now a part of the humanities talk about the same things as do social scientists but use different methods and draw different conclusions;... (1987, p. 357) And yet history does not easily fit into any of these main categories. History, unlike the natural sciences, cannot conduct a controlled experiment because its object of study, being the past, is incapable of being ‘recreated.’ Bloom made note of this general dilemma, that is, the categorization of the work of the historian. History may not, on the other hand, claim to be a social science: its goal is not to predict human action (as is the case in any sort of study of human behavior), but rather to understand past actions (Bloom 1987, pp. 243-380). Thus, in many ways, history enjoys a sort of liminal existence which transcends the natural and social sciences, not to mention the humanities.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Sustainable Business Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Sustainable Business Development - Essay Example , burning of coal and extraction of oil require abundant energy sources as well it places very high demands on water resources adding up to a huge and costly impact towards the production process (Nehring 2009, 3074). Pollution results as a by-product of the process and is considered as a negative externality. The production of fossil fuels resulting in air and water pollution is through oil spills, dumping of the waste materials into water sources and emission of toxic gases into the environment. The more fossil fuel is produced, the more environmental pollution results (Levitan et al. 2014, 122). The company’s producing the fuels may bear some of the associated costs of pollution, but not all and the remaining costs are borne by the society. Air pollution is associated with the production of greenhouse gases that are associated with climate change resulting in the occurrence of floods, droughts and loss of coastal land. It is important to have property rights imposed by the government to control pollution emission. The government should also be involved in introducing regulation rules, taxation and legislation in an effort of pollution control. This entails passing legislation such as clean air act to address the situation (Aydin et al. 2011, 201). The community should also be involved in reporting pollution matters to the authority to prevent negative externalities of pollution. The cost of fossil fuel production is very high. This entails the cost of labor of mining coal and drilling the oil, the cost involved in building the energy generating plants, cost of transportation of the oil into plants for processing and the cost involved in the manufacturing of the final products. As a result, the fuel prices become expensive to the consumer. Fossil fuel is a non-renewable source of energy, and the reserves are finite (Mohr & Evans 2010, par 1). According to the rate of extraction that takes place it will not take too long before the supply is exhausted. As a
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Human Service Movement Social Work Essay
The Human Service Movement Social Work Essay After the World War II, there was an important part of the legislative which is the National Mental Act of 1946. For more than 50 years, since its establishment was authorized by Congress in 1946, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has created, shaped, and implemented the attitudes toward, policies for, and treatment response to the mentally ill in the United States (Judd, 1998). They had the funds that were available to support research teachings and education to help the people with mental illnesses. In 1955, the Mental Health Study Act was passed. This act called for studies that focus on major issues in the mental health fields. They had promoted research training in discovery in the brain and behavioral sciences, charting mental illness trajectories to determine when, where, and how to intervene, and develop new and better interventions that incorporate the diverse needs and circumstances of people with mental illnesses (National Institute of Mental Health, 201 2). This led to the Mental Health Act of 1955 to initiate the passage of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 26). From this act it unfolded to political steps towards the Community Mental Health Centers of 1963. In 1963, decision led to the passage of the Community Mental Health Centers. The center was a place to encourage active user participation in the development of mental health policy that has seen an increased focus on collaboration and the development of partnerships between service users and professionals within community mental health services (Elstad Hellzen, 2010). They gain more knowledge about people with mental problems living in a community. The purpose of the legislation was to be able to reach out, counsel, and provide services that are coordinate to be offer to the community centers (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 26). Community Mental Health Centers Acts were intended for changing the society as a whole and by solving what social problems there were. After the Community Mental Health Centers Act we got into the other legislative acts that were developed in the field of human service such as the Economic Opportunity Act and the Schneurer Sub-professional Career Act. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was the focus of the fight against war on poverty in which was an important part of legislation that had an impact in the field of human services. The purpose for this act was to provide education to adults, provide job trainings and loans to help small businesses because of the unemployment and poverty rate. The objective was to help the poor by enabling them to pull themselves from the grip of poverty. In 1966, the Schneuer Sub-professional Career Act was put into place to provide the opportunity for the disadvantage to enter into new jobs in the mental health field. According to Harris, Maloney and Rother, during these formal training students learned the skills necessary to work with variety of clients and other health professionals (pg. 26). This led to the act to open up more doors for people to transition to other fields in mental health. The National Organization for Human Service Education (NOHSE) and Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE) were to encourage best practices for preparing human service workers. Although these two groups share common goals, they do serve different purposes. NOHSE has to ensure medium is available for collaboration and cooperation among students, practitioners, and their agencies, and faculty (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 31). They had to improve the education of human service students and professionals by cultivating exemplary teaching and research practices and by curriculum development (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 31). The other two main purposes according to Harris, Maloney and Rother, was by abetting and providing assistance to other organizations at local, state, and national levels, and to improve human service education and delivery through conferences, institutes, publications and symposia (pg. 31). This organization was developed to serve the needs of the f aculty. The Council for Standards in Human Service Education in 1979 via from the National Institute for Mental Health grants (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 31). They are intentionally general to strike a balance between clearly stated principles and enough flexibility to avoid constraining natural diversity among programs for students (CSHSE, 2012). Under the CSHSE there are the five functions (Harris, Maloney, Rother, pg. 32): Standard for training programs at the associates and baccalaureate degree levels. Review and recognize programs that meet standards. Sponsoring faculty development workshops in curriculum design, program policymaking, resource development, program evaluation, and other areas. Offering vital and informational assistance to programs seeking to improve the quality and relevance of their training. Publishing a quarterly bulletin to keep programs informed of Council activities, training information and resources, and issues and trends in human service education. In the field of human services, these legislations will continue to improve from its historical traditions through the knowledge, skills and values we gain from it. The efforts of these acts in the human service field will only provide quality educational programs that will evolved as a direct result of the program approval progresses. We need human service professionals who will be able to give people that kind of help that are needed to get by. Laws that will help protect the people with mental illnesses.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union :: Politics Government Europe Essays
The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present; they cannot ensure their own progress or control their own future. The essential thing is to hold fast to the few fixed principles that have guided us since the beginning: gradually to create among Europeans the broadest common interest, served by common democratic institutions to which the necessary sovereignty has been delegated.  ¨CJean Monnet, Memoirs In his book After Victory, John Ikenberry examines what states do with the power that comes after winning major wars. He believes the desire to maintain power encourages the states to seek ways to limit their own power to keep other states happy. Increasingly these limits are found in international institutions used to create  ¡Ã‚ °strategic restraint ¡Ã‚ ± on power. Ikenberry believes increasing reliance upon institutions causes the postwar order to increasingly take on constitutional characteristics. In this paper I am primarily interested in the institutions of the European Union. More specifically I would like to examine the European Union ¡Ã‚ ¯s struggle to develop its own institutions for maintaining international order. These are collectively known as its Common Foreign and Security Policy. Europe's Collective Security The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) was officially established by the Maastricht Treaty and became operational in 1993. However, the European Union has been concerned about collective security since its humble beginnings as an experiment in integrated economy in post-World War II Europe. After the conclusion of World War II, Europe as well as the rest of the world struggled to determine what Germany ¡Ã‚ ¯s future should be. Some nations wanted to strip Germany of its industry and turn the entire country into farmland. Fortunately, there were those with the foresight to realize the only way to keep Europe safe was to rebuild Germany and work together to build a European Community. These men included Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer and Jean Monnet. Their vision of Europe was one where individual nations would share some of their sovereignty in exchange for a chance for peace. According to Pascal Fontaine,  ¡Ã‚ °success depended on limiting objectives to specific areas, with a major psychological impact, and introducing a joint decision-making mechanism which would gradually be given additional responsibilities. ¡Ã‚ ± The first area that was chosen for Franco-German integration was steel and coal production. European Coal and Steel Community
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