Friday, January 31, 2020
Reflection Paper on The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Essay
Reflection Paper on The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - Essay Example In this portion of writing, the issues regarding healthcare and religious belief, practices and their challenges to healthcare professionals in The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Friedman are critically explained. Anne Fediman evidently conveys the two cultural differences between the Hmong customs and the contemporary society in America that includes the professional doctors. The Hmong’s beliefs were merely objectionable especially when it comes to healthcare matters. For instance, during birth, a pregnant woman would be expected to squat on the ground regardless of the untidiness of the floor then pull the child out of her womb. The mother was to ensure that the baby does not touch the dust and that the umbilical cord was to be cut by the father. In case of any problem during childbirth, Lia’s mother, Foua Yang could resort to numerous remedies regularly used by the Hmong such as shaman who was believed to have natural powers to negotiate for his patient†™s health with the spirits that lived in the dominion that was invisible (Fediman 1997). In addition, a woman would take a number of precautions to avoid childbirth predicaments such as a woman could ensure her child’s health by concentrating on her food cravings. The child’s placenta would be buried in different places of the house depending on the child’s sex. However, currently childbirth is treated with lots of precautions with the use of modern techniques as seen in the Foua’s case while giving birth to Lia in Merced Community Medical Centre where the writer describes her birth as like any American woman. She greatly doubted the American medicine in general and how they handled the childbirth differently from what she expected such as offering ice water to stop blood from flowing freely instead of warm water to facilitate blood flow from the womb and the nature of food she was given which she refused to eat. Furthermore, the Hmong believed that los s soul was one major cause of sickness and diseases to the child hence the community was to carry out several rituals to please the soul providers (Fediman 1997). Despite Lia’s cautious fixing of her soul, she was attacked by epilepsy when she was about three months old. There was a mixture of reactions due to the epilepsy since some people considered it as a great deal of social status in their community since a healing spirit would not choose somebody of no account. Nevertheless, the doctors regarded this belief as vague. The diagnosis for the epilepsy failed as Foua and Kao were strongly convinced that the issue was not an illness but an issue of spirit catches you and you fall down as they described it. Moreover, both parents and Dr Murphy believed that constant seizures increased the dangers of the epilepsy. Interestingly, the doctor after several tests could find the cause of the disease after admitting Lia in ward for some time thus recommending her discharge after pre scribing Ampicilin for pneumonia and Dilantin for the seizures (Fediman 1997). Additionally, the Hmong’s had dreadfully horrific beliefs in American doctors and their confidence towards them was low. They were convinced that the
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Apocalypse :: essays research papers
Apocalypse FOLLOWING IS AN IMPORTANT REVELATION BEING MADE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME YOU WILL BE CONTACTED. Disclaimer: The following information contains predictions of the future. This has been written for people who want to know what is on the horizon for humanity, and most importantly, WHAT THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT. Please understand that if you read this material, you will be doing it by your own choice. If your reaction causes you to want to report me to AOL for sending unsolicited email, it could result in my account being closed. I don't ask that anyone believe what I say just because I say it. I do ask that if you choose to read this material, please suspend your judgment of it until enough time passes for its validity to be proven or disproven. Please don't let your personal beliefs cause you to want to deprive others of receiving this. Written October 20, 1996 NOTE: This document is quite lengthy, so it might be best to either print it or copy it to your word processor so it may be read off-line. Dear Friend, Â Â Â Â Â The choice of whether or not to read this message all the way through may have important consequences for you as the events of our immediate future unfold. This is being done solely for the benefit of others so that people may understand what to do about the times now approaching humanity. What I'm about to explain will strike many people as ridiculous, because this kind of thing has been predicted over and over again and people are not inclined to take things like this seriously. I am not your average tabloid psychic. In fact, I'm not a psychic at all. I am what could be called a modern day seer, but I prefer to be thought of as just a human being with an important message. Â Â Â Â Â I have studied prophecy and the techniques used to produce it for many years now. Through a combination of my own findings, the prophecies of Nostradamus, the prophecies given by Jesus and the prophet Daniel, I have figured out the future of humanity. As stated above in the disclaimer, the reader's belief in what I say is not necessary at this point. Â Â Â Â Â This message has been written over and over again since I first set out to do this. In previous versions, I have tried to describe what will cause the rough times to come... but everyone is pretty much aware of the world's problems and they don't really need to have it all pointed out to them. Besides, it makes the message unnecessarily long.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
An alternative approach Boots could use is a loyalty card, which means that after every purchase in a Boots store, a customer would receive points
An alternative approach Boots could use is a loyalty card, which means that after every purchase in a Boots store, a customer would receive points. A single point could be the equivalent to a penny so if a customer collects 500 points they would be able to purchase goods worth up to Five pounds. Loyalty cards have advantages for customers and the stores. Customers have the benefit of receiving points, which means discounts on many items in Boots shops so they save money. Boots have the advantage that they will keep customers returning to their shops because of the card. It appears that customers like the idea of loyalty cards, these cards were to be stopped but customers objected. Other businesses have also started using loyalty cards; an example of this is the Nectar card. The Nectar card is a new reward programme created by Sainsbury's, Barclaycard, Debenhams and BP. It has the same idea as a Boots card as when you pay at the till at any of the shops, the Nectar card will be swiped and any points added to your account. When you pay by Barclaycard anywhere in the world your points will be added to your Nectar account each month. The screen shot below shows the Nectar Card. Screen shot 1 Once you've collected enough points for the rewards you want, you can choose from a range of free meals, days out e.g. to theme parks or museums, flights abroad e.g. to European cities or resorts, cinema tickets and discounts on goods, groceries and wine. The points can also be used to save money at Sainsbury's or Argos. If Boots introduced the card then this would increase customer loyalty, as customers will keep returning to the store to make use of the card. Machines in the store will be set up to allow customers to check their points. As customers are receiving points for their purchased products and they can then use these points to buy other items this gives the idea that they are ‘getting something for nothing'. On Boots website there could also be section where customers can check their points. Customers could type in their personal identification number found on the card and then access the information. (See screen shot 1) Another approach could be for Boot's to ‘push' their own products. This means, within Boots stores they could make customers more aware of Boots own brand products e.g. deodorants, shampoo and moisturiser. In a Boots store within the cosmetics section there are stands for Max Factor and Maybelline, Boots also already offer own brand names such as No7, 17 and Botanics. Boots could have their own section for No7 products for example. Sales Assistants as these counters could help customers select cosmetics from Boots own brand items which would mean it is more likely for these items to be bought. Screen shots of some of Boots own products Another way of doing this could be to start offers on selected Boots items. An example of this could be ‘buy one get one free' or if three items are bought get the cheapest one free. Also using the loyalty card suggested in the first alternative approach Boots could have ‘double points' on own brand items. If customers begin to see that Boots products are better than other leading brands, e.g. Boots deodorant compared against Sure deodorant, then they will start buying more of own brand products. This will in turn lead to a bigger turnover for Boots as more customers are buying their items instead of other brands. A benefit of this to Boots employees is within the production process. If more own brand items are demanded then more will have to be produced which means more jobs required for the production process. For the loyalty card to happen, Boots would need to introduce appropriate swipe machines in all shops at each till or cashier desk. This machine would need to be able to read the card to see who the customer is, how many new points have to be added and how many are already on the card. A computer may also be needed for customers to check how many points they have collected. For customers to check the number of points they currently have on the website a number of functions may need to be involved within the business. The ICT department may need to spend a lot of money on maintaining and designing the website. The administration department would need to hold details of the customers and transfer them to the ICT department to be used. Staff would also have to be trained with the knowledge of how to work the swipe machine. They would also have to be able to explain to customers how the card works and how to use the computer for checking points. The may add extra cost to Boots as training and development section of Boots may need to be brought in. In the Administration department of Boots they would have to send out all the paper work to customers with such details of registration forms for the loyalty card e.g. if customers change their name or address. Leaflets and fliers may also be sent out to tell customers about new offers on the points, e.g. double points for selected items. The administration function would also have to do this. For pushing Boots own brand products the layout of the store may need to be changed to put more emphasis on these products e.g. stands to place Boots shampoo on. This may involve the Boots store to be re-arranged. Posters and leaflets may be needed to advertise the products, which would be put up on windows and the ceiling. Administration department would be responsible for sending customers information on special offers concerning their own brand products. All this would cost Boots a lot of money as it involves bringing in new machines and computers to deal with the advantage swipe cards. A lot of expense is needed for the software to deal with customers accessing details on the website. The maintaining of the website would also be very costly to Boots. For new staff to work with the swipe machines would also cost money and time would have to be spent for the training of it. All the paper work and leaflets, which need to be sent out to customers detailing them of special offers, would also cost Boots money. However, customers would be satisfied as they have the advantage of saving money on products with the advantage card and with special offers on the own brand products, which may mean they begin to shop at Boots more often spending money. They also may then begin to shop at Boots for items other than cosmetics e.g. at the Boots opticians or at Boots Photo. Ultimately, Boots would be achieving its objectives as it would be increasing turnover which the increase in sales which these alterative approaches should bring.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The During The American Revolution - 1226 Words
During the early American Revolution, Boston was a place where at the time colonies could not find peace. After gaining their independence from the French and Indian war, they had been put so far in debt that the British began taxing them to pay it off. The colonies were so angry about these taxes that they began to revolt against them. They were angry because these decisions were made without their consent, they didn’t have any one to speak for them in the parliament. All the revolts on taxes like the sugar act, tea act, and stamp act lead to the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773. A big group of Bostonians marched to the Boston Harbor and threw 340 chests of tea into the water. As a response of this, British passed the Coercive Acts†¦show more content†¦After the coercive acts, they demanded to have a meeting with the British. At the First Continental Congress in Pennsylvania from September 5 to October 26, 1774 representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies met to t ry to persuade the British to recognize their rights. This resulted in them letting the colonies to the rights of life, liberty, property, and the right to establish their own taxes within the colonies. This calmed it down a little but the British kept Sending troops to Boston making them mad. They were determined. Determination and hope led them to win the revolution because they found a way to keep the colonies up and strong throughout the whole time. The provincial congress members had met up to discuss the colonies. â€Å"He turned from †¦ lectures of caution and prudence to asserting and defending the most bold and undisguised principles of liberty, and defying in their very teeth the agents of the crown.†The Bostonians weren’t afraid to disobey their mother country and fight for their new country. Even though they were considered British people in America, they had never seen or gone to the other side of the Atlantic. Therefore, the Americas was there home and they were determined to fight for its independence and get away from the British. The American Revolution was started from a spark that was ignited in Boston. It was led to be an American victory because of Boston’s endless hope of winning the war
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